Zainland's History

Zainland's Seperation

Zainlands history dates back to 965 B.C When it was seperated from Aneeland. Extreme picklists did not want to follow their nations new religion called shoeism so they left Aneeland and formed Zainland on a island to the west. With them they brought centuries of Picklism artifacts and centuries of Picklism culture

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Zainland's Culture

Zainland's culture and way of life is very secretive and little is known about it due to the residents being extreme picklists and not accepting visitors

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Zainland's Government

Zainland's government was created by the 1st extreme picklist named Khan Ali Zain and the country was named after him. The government has not changed from the day it was created due to conspiracies and suspicions about impostors in the government.

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